Adopt a Drain

Step #1:  Introduction

Reveal the “Learn More” portion below and get familiar with the Adopt a Drain program. If our program is for you, let’s find you a drain!

Step #2:  Choose a Drain

Using the map, gather Drain ID#’s by clicking on the item. Consider adoption items that are close to home or along an often-traveled route.

Step #3:  Adoption Form

Submit the form at the bottom of this page to adopt. If you already have a picture of your drain, you can submit it there. Or, you can attach it to your first cleanup report.

Step #4:  User Registration

After submitting the form, check your email for more information e.g. how to file a report, how to earn rewards. If you wish to have a profile picture on our leaderboard, visit Gravatar and use the same email address.

Step #5:  Monitor Drain

As needed, visit drains to remove debris and report issues. If the drain requires further assistance we can get it for you. We suggest considering a day and time of the week when you might naturally see/pass your drain to monitor.

Step #6:  Report Cleanups

Reporting is a breeze thanks to our Citizen Reporter app. To maintain the adoption, you must submit an annual report. However, you can submit a cleanup report as often as you’d like, even to let us know the drain is clear!


Adopt a Drain is an effort to restore urban and suburban streams by looking upstream to where water enters the stream system. Many people unknowingly believe storm drains connect to sewer treatment systems. But in most communities whatever enters the drains is discharged directly into a neighboring body of water. That is often a local stream, lake, or bay. Unfortunately, urban streams are not pristine environments and much of their water comes directly from roads and sidewalks through storm drain pipes.

Adopt a Drain accepts this reality and works to clean streams by keeping the drains that feed them free from litter, leaves, and debris. It may also help reduce illegal dumping and keep degrading substances such as oil, grease, and car soap from entering our stormwater drainage systems and ending up in our local waterways. The program is designed to recruit public and private partners to take sustained action to keep drains clear and clean. An informed citizen may stop taking actions that impair local waters, but an empowered citizen takes positive actions on behalf of their stream. They are likely to work not only on this project but also on other restoration projects and speak out on behalf of their local waterway.

In addition to benefiting the local waterway, it also benefits local neighborhoods. It helps create litter-free, more attractive communities. It also enhances urban quality of life and increases economic development. An attractive, clean community is a great asset in attracting new businesses, jobs, and customers.

Please consider adopting more than one drain as drains often come in bunches. There are over 12,ooo drains in the Greater Mankato Area.

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Step 1 of 4
Select Adoption Item